Online Payments & Donations

Please complete payment processing using the Pay Now button below. You can pay with your credit card or PayPal account. In the blank box above the button please state the purpose of your payment. For example, building rental or donation. Your generous donations help support both the community and our operational costs.

If you landed on this page to buy Otto, NC T-shirts or Vanity Plates, we thank you! Please fill out the appropriate form below. In the message box add what you want to buy. For example: 4 T-shirts. 1 Lg, 2 med, 1 sm; or 2 Vanity Plates. Then hit the submit button. Next, add the quantity that you are purchasing in the T-Shirts Qty or Vanity Plate Qty box, and click the Pay Now button. Then fill out the payment forms that pop up to complete your purchase. If you are buying more than one item be sure to adjust the quantity in payment pop-up form accordingly.

We are selling T-Shirts for $20.00 each and Vanity Plates for $15.00 each, paid in advance. Arrangements will be made for the purchaser to pick up their order locally, preferably at the Otto Community Building.

Your purchases help support the Otto Community Development Organization. You can call Suzanne Mandler at (812) 552-8493 to make arrangements to pick up your order. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

If you landed on this page to make a donation, just use the “Donation” button at the bottom of the page, and hit the pay now button.

T Shirts - $20.00 each

Pay for T Shirt Order Here

T Shirts Qty:

Vanity Plates - $15.00 Each

Pay for Vanity Plate Order Here

Vanity Plate Qty:

Donate Here
